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Nothing comes to mind. Sign up for a website account to post an introduction. NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE Introduction The nuclear fuel cycle is the sequence of activities that take place in order to design, construct, operate and decommission a nuclear power plant .  The main purpose of the nuclear fuel cycle is to provide fuel for nuclear power stations which convert  fission  energy into electricity . Fuel Cycle Stages Fuel Cycle Stages The R&D program of the JAEA includes safety test of Mixed Oxide Fuel , which will play a central role in its implementation - The program is aimed at examining the behavior and safety of Mixed Oxide Fuel under normal and accident conditions. It will contribute to improving understanding on various aspects such as the corrosion, oxidation and stability of Mixed Oxide Fuel , as well as enhancing industrial capabilities concerning its manufacture and long-term storage. In addition, the JAEA will perform a safety test of MOX Fuel fabricated by mixing plutonium oxide with uranium oxide. JAEA is one of the world's most advanced organizations in this area. Furthermore, we will continue to conduct reliable R&D and provide adequate data for the long-term disposal of used nuclear fuel and other radioactive wastes. This program is aimed at examining the behavior and safety of Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX Fuels) under normal and accident conditions. It will contribute to improving understanding on various aspects such as corrosion, oxidation and stability of Mixed Oxide Fuel, as well as enhancing industrial capabilities concerning its manufacture and long-term storage. In addition, the JAEA will perform a safety test of MOX Fuel fabricated by mixing plutonium oxide with uranium oxide. JAEA is one of the world's most advanced organizations in this area. Furthermore, we will continue to conduct reliable R&D and provide adequate data for the long-term disposal of used nuclear fuel and other radioactive wastes. According to NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) , "All spent nuclear fuel must be monitored during its transportation by civilian or military transport to make sure it doesn't become unsafe before it can be disposed." which will be conducted by JAEA with NORINCO China's future advanced heavy-water reactors, as well as with other Chinese partners. The JAEA's NIS is an integral part of the Japanese government's effort to implement its National Policy on the Safe Management of Radioactive Materials. The NRC has granted the JRC an interim license for export, pending review and approval by each country, which will be done. The main purpose of the nuclear fuel cycle is to provide fuel for nuclear power stations, which convert fission energy into electricity. The nuclear fuel cycle consists of five stages : Such a scheme aims at security because only qualified staff are allowed access to the plant, and there are stringent security measures to prevent terrorist attacks on nuclear facilities. There are many safeguards that must be followed to ensure safety in the entire process. cfa1e77820

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