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No blog post found :( . . . . . . . .\\___/\\__/\\ /\\__/\\ \\__/\\/ \\___/. /_. __/. _ ___-. '\\. |_./ __ \\_) )____) _)_____) '\\. (_/_)/\\/ \\_)(____)/(_//_(/_)/ )___/(_____)(_______)\\((_____)\\(_>))_(>))(> [] [][] []. [] [] ]->Okay, even if you think this is factual, what do you expect to be accomplished? You can't just write up an analysis of the blog and say "This is why it's good" and expect any real change. Your view isn't shared by everyone. Many people will disagree with you. So what? And even if the author agrees that the blog has room for improvement, he or she might not change it because that would involve spending effort on something else which they don't consider important enough. Just because you disagree with someone's view on something doesn't mean that your view is automatically right. That's not how you run a civil society. By trying to fan the flames of disagreement just because you disagree with someone, you're not only wasting your time, but also making it less likely that something will get done. I can see why the author did it the way he did, but I think his approach was misguided. It would have been better if he had just posted a relatively positive review and let the readers decide for themselves how good/bad/important his analysis was. [] [] ]->This is all very well and good for this blog, but it should be applied to all blogs equally; otherwise there are no standards for evaluating other blogs, this makes blogging meaningless. [] [] ]->You don't know what this person is doing since you've not read the whole review. I strongly disagree with your argument. [] [] ]->For one thing, it's not so easy to write a long-form review of something. You have to write about more than just the subject of the blog, which might be very short. As an example, if I want to discuss something that's really long and difficult, say a book I just finished reading, I'm probably going to spend more time writing about it than if I just give my impressions in a single paragraph or two. cfa1e77820



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